Mira Verma

Mira Verma

Mira was born on January 25, 2020 and passed away in the loving arms of her parents, Prasoon and Silvi Verma on February 7, 2020. Mira was the answer to their prayers as they waited for her birth with joyful expectations. During her short visit on earth, she enjoyed being held close by her parents and grandparents, listening to her daddy singing her songs being told “I love you” immeasurable times. She was loved by all who met her and will be greatly missed. The family appreciates all prayers and wishes extended to them during this time. The family would like to thank the staff and the doctors at the University of Cincinnati for their compassionate care of Silvi and Mira. A prayer service will be held on Monday February 10, at 5:00pm, followed by a Hindu Cremation Ceremony held at Radel Funeral Home 650 Neeb rd. Cincinnati OH. 45233. (513)451-8800 or radelfuneral.com

Tributes & Condolences

Posted by Leslie Gewin on February 10, 2020 (20:44)
Silvi, I'm sending all my love and thoughts to you and your family during this time which must be so difficult. I am glad that you have family in town now, but please know that you can always reach out if you need someone to chat with- I am so sorry about your loss and cannot even begin to imagine the pain.

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Memory Wall – Mira Verma

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